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李斌 (Dr.Bin Li) (实验室主任)

作者: 发布时间: 2024年02月02日 浏览次数:

李斌 Dr. Bin Li



Professor, ResearchFellow, PhD. Supervisor

Director of GuangdongKey Lab of Intelligent Information Processing

Director of Shenzhen Key Lab of Media Security



Email: libin[AT] szu.edu.cn



Address: RoomN801, College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University


李斌,男,工学博士,现任深圳大学教授,特聘研究员,博士生导师,广东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者,深圳市高层次专业人才,深圳市优秀教师,IEEE/CCF/CSIG高级会员,深圳大学新锐研究生导师,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。获中山大学通信工程专业学士学位,通信与信息系统专业博士学位,美国新泽西理工学院联合培养博士。研究领域包括图像音视频信息内容安全,智能信息处理,机器学习等。曾任深圳大学信息工程学院副院长,深圳大学科协委员,现担任广东省智能信息处理重点实验室主任、深圳市媒体信息内容安全重点实验室主任。发表包括国际权威刊物IEEE T-IFS、IEEE T-IP、IEEE T-CSVT等SCI/EI论文150多篇,编著教材2部,谷歌学术引用6000多次,H指数34,i-10指数59。获国家发明专利授权10余项,美国专利授权2项,转化专利1项,软件著作权13项,参与制定技术标准2件。获中国计算机学会科学技术奖自然科学一等奖、深圳市自然科学二等奖,获会议优秀论文奖4篇。主持国家自然科学基金、深圳市学科布局等科研项目。担任广东省图象图形学会副理事长,IEEE Information Forensics and Security技术委员会委员,中国图象图形学会数字媒体取证与安全专业委员会常务委员,IEEE T-IFS (Transactions on Information Forensics and Security)、OJ-SP (Open Journal of Signal Processing)期刊编委,IEEE ICIP、IEEE WIFS、IEEE ICASSP、ACM IH&MMSEC、ChinaMFS等国际学术会议的Area Chair、Program Chair、Publication Chair、TC Member等学术兼职。

Dr. BIN LI received the B.E. degree in communication engineering and the Ph.D. degree in communication and information system from Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He was a Visiting Scholar with the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA, from 2007 to 2008. In 2009, he joined Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, where he is currently a professor. He is the Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing and the Director of Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Media Security. His current research interests include image processing, multimedia forensics, and pattern recognition.









1)撰写发表IEEE Trans/CCF A类级别学术论文;












研究兴趣(Research Interests)

  • 多媒体取证、多媒体安全、信息隐藏、图像/音频/视频信号处理、对抗机器学习

  • Multimedia Forensics and Security, Information Hiding, Image/Audio/Video Signal Processing, Adversarial Machine Learning

科研项目(Research Projects)

  • 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,可跨域少样本学习的隐写分析网络研究(U22B2047),2023.01-2026.12,深圳大学课题组负责人

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,对抗环境下基于深度学习的JPEG图像取证与反取证研究(61872244),2019.01-2022.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非加性失真图像隐写研究(61572329),2016.01-2019.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,特征向量变化可控的安全隐写研究(61103174),2012.01-2014.12,主持

  • 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,AI生成型虚假视听媒体取证技术研究(2019B151502001),2019.10-2023.9,主持

  • 广东省自然科学基金项目,基于量化噪声和深度架构的JPEG图像篡改检测(2014A030313557),2015.01-2018.01,主持

  • 深圳市基础研究重点项目,AI伪造图像音视频检测理论与关键技术研究(JCYJ20200109105008228),2020.11-2023.10,主持

  • 深圳市基础研究项目,基于深度神经网络的图像修复关键技术(JCYJ20180305124325555),2019.01-2020.12,主持

  • 深圳市战略性新兴产业发展专项资金项目,数字可视媒体内容篡改盲取证的关键技术研究(JCYJ20120613113535357),2012.08-2014.08,主持

  • 阿里巴巴横向项目,截屏图像篡改检测技术研究(FWA5HDHZ121001),2021-2022,主持

  • 司法鉴定科学研究院横向项目,人脸图像合成与处理(4403012019002754),2019,主持

  • 国家重点研发计划课题,内生安全支撑的新型网络体系结构与关键技术-课题4基于免疫的网络动态风险评估与控制技术(2020YFB1805404),2020.11-2024.10,参与

  • 广东省重点领域研发计划开放课题,面向AI安全的伪造音视频取证分析关键技术(2019B010139003),2019.01-2023.03,参与



  • 图像隐写安全关键技术.广东省计算机学会科学技术奖自然科学二等奖(1/5). 2023.2

  • 自适应信息隐写安全理论与方法.深圳市自然科学二等奖(1/5).2022.5

  • 信息隐藏理论与方法,CCF科学技术奖自然科学一等奖(3/5),2019.10

  • 郑铿涛,李斌*,曾锦华.应用注意力机制的文档图像篡改与脱敏定位.第三届CSIG媒体取证与安全大会优秀论文奖.2022.11

  • 陈晓铭,李斌*.应用双通道Faster R-CNN与注意力机制模型的图像篡改检测.第二十届全国图象图形学学术会议(NCIG2020), 2020.6 (最佳论文奖)

  • Yuankun Huang, Shunquan Tan, Bin Li*, Jiwu Huang. VPCID—A VoIP Phone Call Identification Database. International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking , 11378: 307-321, 2018.10(Best Paper)

  • Ming Wang, Bin Li*, Shunquan Tan, Xiaolong Li. A Spatial Steganographic Method Employing the Strategy of Clustering Modification Directions.第十二届全国信息隐藏暨多媒体信息安全大会优秀论文奖.中国电子学会通信学分会. 2015.3


  • 深圳市优秀教师.2019.9

  • 本科教学突出贡献奖. 2022.7

  • 腾讯优秀教学管理团队奖.2023.6

  • 深圳大学优秀本科课程奖.2023.4

  • 百篇优秀硕士学位论文指导教师.2023.7

  • 百篇优秀本科毕业论文指导教师.2019.7

  • 《概率论与数理统计》.首届全国地方高校优课联盟品牌MOOC. 2016.11

  • 优秀毕业研究生指导教师(学生:王明、陈涵、余泽钦)


  • 盘古石杯全国电子数据取证大赛,三等奖,2023.7

  • IJCB2022-DFGC深度伪造博弈比赛检测赛道,冠军,2022.9

  • CSIG图像图形技术挑战赛(行为识别大赛),华为优胜奖,2022.8

  • 第二届中国移动“梧桐杯”大数据应用创新大赛,优秀奖,2022.8

  • 第九届CCF大数据与计算智能大赛(CCF-BDCI),二等奖,2022.1

  • 荔园挑战创新创业大赛,一等奖,2021.12

  • IJCB2021-DFGC深度伪造博弈比赛检测赛道,冠军,2021.8

  • 中国高校计算机大赛——大数据挑战赛,一等奖,2019.9

  • 第十二届中国计算机设计大赛,二等奖,2019.7

  • 挑战杯大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,三等奖,2018.12

主要学术兼职(Academic Service)

  • Senior Area Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (https://signalprocessingsociety.org/publications/ieee-open-journal-signal-processing)

  • IEEECommunication/Signal Processing Society Shenzhen Chapter Secretary

  • 《信息安全学报》编委(2020~2022)

  • 广东省图形图象学会副理事长(2017~)

  • 中国图象图形学会数字媒体取证与安全专业委员会常务委员

  • IEEE Information Forensics and Security技术委员会委员(2019~2021)

  • General Chair, 16th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2024

  • Technical Program Chair, ChinaMFS 2022, ChinaMFS 2023

  • General Program Co-chair, 14th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2022

  • Area Chair, 26-th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2019

  • Publicity Co-chair, 9th、10th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2017、2018

  • Workshop Co-chair, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2016 Workshop on Multimedia and Security

  • Session Co-chair, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) 2015 - Special Section: Multimedia Forensics and Security


期刊论文(Journal Papers)

l Weixiang Li,Bin Li*, Weiming Zhang, Shengli Zhang. Quaternary Quantized Gaussian Modulation with Optimal Polarity Map Selection for JPEG Steganography. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 18: 5026-5040, 2023. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊CCF A,安全领域顶级期刊,刊号:1556-6013)

l Weixiang Li, Shihang Wu,Bin Li*, Weixuan Tang, Xinpeng Zhang. Payload-Independent Direct Cost Learning for Image Steganography. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT)

doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3294291. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,多媒体领域顶级期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Shunquan Tan, Qiushi Li, Laiyuan Li,Bin Li, Jiwu Huang. STD-NET: Search of Image Steganalytic Deep-Learning Architecture via Hierarchical Tensor Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), 20(3): 2657-2673, 1 May-June 2023. (中科院大类二区,TOP期刊CCF A,安全领域顶级期刊,刊号1545-5971)

l Xiaolong Duan,Bin Li, Zhaoxia Yin, Xinpeng Zhang, Bin Luo. Robust Image Steganography against Lossy JPEG Compression based on Embedding Domain Selection and Adaptive Error Correction. Expert Systems with Applications 229, 120416. 2023. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,人工智能领域权威期刊,刊号0957-4174)

l Xianbo Mo, Shunquan Tan, Weixuan Tang,Bin Li, Jiwu Huang. ReLOAD: Using Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Asymmetric Distortion for Additive Steganography. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 18:1524-1538, Jan. 2023. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊CCF A,安全领域顶级期刊)

l Weixuan Tang,Bin Li*, Weixiang Li, Yuangen Wang, Jiwu Huang. Reinforcement Learning of Non-additive Joint Steganographic Embedding Costs with Attention Mechanism. Science China-Information Sciences, 66(132305):1-14, Mar. 2023. (中科院大类二区,刊号:1674-733X)

l Han Chen, Yuezun Li, Dongdong Lin,Bin Li*, Junqiang Wu. Watching the BiG Artifacts: Exposing DeepFake Videos via Bi-Granularity Artifacts. Pattern Recognition, 135(109179):1-13, Mar. 2023. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:0031-3203)

l Han Chen, Yuzhen Lin,Bin Li*, Shunquan Tan. Learning Features of Intra-consistency and Inter-diversity: Keys towards Generalizable Deepfake Detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT), 33(3):1468-1480, Mar. 2023. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Guanglin Li,Bin Li*, Shunquan Tan, Guoping Qiu. Learning Deep Co-occurrence Features. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT), 33(4):1610-1623, Apr. 2023. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Tong Chen,Bin Li*, Jinhua Zeng, Learning Traces by Yourself: Blind Image Forgery Localization via Anomaly Detection With ViT-VAE, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IEEE SPL), 30:150-154, Feb. 2023. (中科院大类二区,刊号:1070-9908)

l Weixuan Tang,Bin Li*, Mauro Barni, Jin Li, Jiwu Huang. Improving Cost Learning for JPEG Steganography by Exploiting JPEG Domain Knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT), 32(6):4081-4095, Jun. 2022. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Xinghong Qin,Bin Li*, Shunquan Tan, Weixuan Tang, Jiwu Huang. Gradually Enhanced Adversarial Perturbations on Color Pixel Vectors for Image Steganography. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT), 32(8):5110-5123, Aug. 2022. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Weixuan Tang, Dequ Huang,Bin Li*. Anti-forensics for Double JPEG Compression based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Electronics Letters, 58(25):969-971, Dec. 2022. (中科院大类四区,刊号:0013-5194)

l Long Zhuo, Shunquan Tan,Bin Li, Jiwu Huang. Self-Adversarial Training Incorporating Forgery Attention for Image Forgery Localization. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 17:819-834, Feb. 2022. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1556-6013)

l Qiushi Li, Shengda Chen, Shunquan Tan,Bin Li, Jiwu Huang. One-Class Double Compression Detection of Advanced Videos Based on Simple Gaussian Distribution Model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT), 32(4): 2496-2500, Apr. 2022. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Weixuan Tang,Bin Li*, Mauro Barni, Jin Li and Jiwu Huang. An Automatic Cost Learning Framework for Image Steganography Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 16:952-967, Sep. 2021. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1556-6013)

l Bin Li, Bowei Zheng, Haodong Li, Yanran Li. Detail-enhanced Image Inpainting Based on Discrete Wavelet Transforms. Signal Processing, 189(108278):1-15, Dec. 2021. (中科院大类二区,刊号:0165-1684)

l Shunquan Tan, Weilong Wu. Zilong Shao, Qiushi Li, Bin Li, Jiwu Huang. CALPA-NET: Channel-Pruning-Assisted Deep Residual Network for Steganalysis of Digital Images. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 16:131-146, Jun. 2020. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1556-6013)

l Haodong Li,Bin Li*, Shunquan Tan, Jiwu Huang. Identification of Deep Network Generated Images Using Disparities in Color Components. Signal Processing, 174(107616):1-12, Sep. 2020. (中科院大类二区,刊号:0165-1684)

l Xin Liao, Yingbo Yu,Bin Li, Zhongpeng Li, Zheng Qin. A New Payload Partition Strategy in Color Image Steganography. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE TCSVT), 30(3): 685-696, Jan. 2020. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1051-8215)

l Xiaoyu Shi, Benedetta Tondi,Bin Li*, Mauro Barni. CNN-based steganalysis and parametric adversarial embedding:A game-theoretic framework. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 89(115992):1-18, Nov. 2020. (中科院大类三区,刊号:0923-5965)

l Yuankun Huang,Bin Li*, Mauro Barni, Jiwu Huang. Identification of VoIP Speech with Multiple Domain Deep Features. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), 15:2253-2267, Dec. 2019. (中科院大类一区,TOP期刊,刊号:1556-6013)