恭喜深圳市媒体信息内容安全重点实验室 以下同学获得深圳大学优秀毕业研究生。

2023年,李伟祥、李斌老师等人论文"Quaternary Quantized Gaussian Modulation with Optimal Polarity Map Selection for JPEG Steganography" 被IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security期刊接收。
2023年,李伟祥、李斌老师等人论文"Payload-Independent Direct Cost Learning for Image Steganography" 被IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology期刊接收。
2023年,唐伟轩同学、李斌老师等人论文"Reinforcement Learning of Non-additive Joint Steganographic Embedding Costs with Attention Mechanism" 被Science China-Information Sciences期刊接收。
2023年,陈涵同学、李斌老师等人论文"Watching the BiG Artifacts: Exposing DeepFake Videos via Bi-Granularity Artifacts" 被Pattern Recognition期刊接收。
2023年,陈童同学、李斌老师等人论文"Learning Traces by Yourself: Blind Image Forgery Localization via Anomaly Detection With ViT-VAE" 被IEEE Signal Processing Letters期刊接收。
2023年,余泽钦同学、李斌老师等人论文"Learning to Locate the Text Forgery in Smartphone Screenshots" 被IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)会议接收。
2023年,陈昌盛老师等人论文"Distortion Model based Spectral Augmentation for Generalized Recaptured Document Detection" 被IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security期刊接收。
2023年,莫显博同学、谭舜泉老师等人论文"Poster: Query-efficient black-box attack for image forgery localization via reinforcement learning" 被ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security(ACM CCS)会议接收。
2023年,胡林辉同学、谭舜泉老师等人论文"基于Convnext-Upernet的图像篡改检测定位模型" 被计算机学报期刊接收。
2023年,莫显博同学、谭舜泉老师等人论文"ReLOAD: Using reinforcement learning to optimize asymmetric distortion for additive steganography" 被IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security期刊接收。
2023年,李秋实同学、谭舜泉老师等人论文"STD-NET: Search of image steganalytic deep-learning architecture via hierarchical tensor decomposition" 被IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing期刊接收。
2023年,庄培裕同学、李昊东老师等人论文"ReLoc: A Restoration-Assisted Framework for Robust Image Tampering Localization" 被IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security期刊接收。
2023年,林泽润同学、欧阳乐老师等人论文"Inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell gene expression data via deep multi-view contrastive learning" 被Briefings in Bioinformatics期刊接收。
2023年,陈媛晓同学、欧阳乐老师等人论文"Inferring cancer common and specific gene networks via multi-layer joint graphical model" 被Briefings in Bioinformatics期刊接收。
2023年,林泽润同学、欧阳乐老师等人论文"Peilin Zhao, MoVAE: A Variational AutoEncoder for Molecular Graph Generation" 被Proceedings of the 2023 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM)会议接收。
2023年,詹游麟同学、欧阳乐老师等人论文"A partially shared joint clustering framework for detecting protein complexes from multiple state-specific signed interaction networks" 被Computers in Biology and Medicine期刊接收。
2023年,詹游麟同学、欧阳乐老师等人论文"scMIC: A Deep Multi-level Information Fusion Framework for Clustering Single-cell Multi-omics Data" 被IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics期刊接收。
2023年,谢伍媛老师、王妙辉老师等人论文"Just Noticeable Visual Redundancy Forecasting: A Deep Multimodal-driven Approach" 被In Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI)会议接收。
2023年,谢伍媛老师、王妙辉老师等人论文"pmBQA: Projection-based Blind Point Cloud Quality Assessment via Multimodal Learning" 被In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia(ACM MM)会议接收。
2023年,谢伍媛老师、王妙辉老师等人论文"3D Surface Super-resolution from Enhanced 2D Normal Images: A Multimodal-driven Variational AutoEncoderApproach" 被In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI)会议接收。
2023年,王妙辉老师等人论文"ReferPose: Distance Optimization-Based Reference Learning for Human Pose Estimation and Monitoring" 被IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics期刊接收。
2023年,贾红老师等人论文"Low Redundancy Learning for Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Selection" 被Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management(KSEM)会议接收。
2023年,贾红老师等人论文"Subspace Clustering with Feature Grouping for Categorical Data" 被Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management(KSEM)会议接收。
2023年,蔡家鸣同学、贾红老师等人论文"A Novel Unsupervised Feature Selection based on Correlation Measure between Heterogeneous Features" 被Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence(PRAI)会议接收。
2023年,贾红老师等人论文"Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on 3-D Feature Decision Graph for High-dimensional Data" 被Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence(ACAI)会议接收。
2023年,贾红老师等人论文"Multi-view Graph Learning with Fuzzy Linear Discriminant Analysis" 被Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence(ACAI)会议接收。
2023年,谢宁老师等人论文"Multi-User Physical-Layer Authentication and Classification" 被IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications期刊接收。
2023年,徐云涛同学、谢宁老师等人论文"Physical Layer Authentication in Spatial Modulation" 被IEEE Transactions on Communications期刊接收。
2023年,谭海军副研究员、谢宁老师等人论文"Generalized Tag-based Physical-Layer Authentication under Frequency Selective Fading Channels" 被IEEE Transactions on Communications期刊接收。
李昊东老师指导学生获ICDAR 2023 DTT in Images挑战赛赛道2 Text Manipulation Detection 第四名
李斌,软牛科技集团股份有限公司 共建人工智能技术联合创新中心 750万(5年)