

Pawel Korus

作者: 发布时间: 2024-03-21 浏览次数:


Pawel Korus

  • Resume

2015-Postdoctoral Researcher College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China

2014-Assistant Professor Department of Telecommunications, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland

2013-Ph.D. in Telecommunications (with honors) Dissertation: Analysis of Image Reconstruction Schemes Based on Self-Embedding and Digital Watermarking Department of Telecommunications, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland

  • Research Interests:

    multimedia security · multimedia forensics · information hiding · digital watermarking · fountain codes · coding techniques


Academic Achievements

Journal Papers

  • Paweł Korusand Jiwu Huang, Multi-Scale Fusion for Improved Localization of Malicious Tampering in Digital Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (in print), 2016

  • Paweł Korusand Jiwu Huang, Improved Tampering Localization in Digital Image Forensics based on Maximal Entropy Random Walk, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 23, Issue 1, 2016

  • Jarek Duda,Paweł Korus, Neeraj J. Gadgil, Khalid Tahboub, and Edward J. Delp, Image-Like 2D Barcodes Using Generalizations Of The Kuznetsov-Tsybakov Problem, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2016

  • Paweł Korus, Jarosław Białas and Andrzej Dziech, Towards Practical Self-Embedding for JPEG-compressed Digital Images, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.17, no. 2, 2015

  • Paweł Korusand Andrzej Dziech, Adaptive Self-Embedding Scheme with Controlled Reconstruction Performance, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 9, no. 2, 2014

  • Paweł Korusand Andrzej Dziech, Efficient Method for Content Reconstruction with Self-Embedding, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (Volume:22, Issue: 3), 2013

  • Paweł Korus, Jarosław Bialas and Andrzej Dziech, A new approach to high-capacity annotation watermarking based on digital fountain codes, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 68, Issue 1, pp 59-77, 2014

Conference Papers

  • Paweł Korus, Jarosław Białas, and Andrzej Dziech, Iterative Filtering for Semi-Fragile Self-Recovery, IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, 2014

  • Paweł Korus, Jarosław Białas and Andrzej Dziech, High-Quality Self-Embedding for JPEG-compressed Digital Images, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2013

  • Paweł Korusand Andrzej Dziech, Reconfigurable Self-Embedding with High Quality Restoration under Extensive Tampering, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2012

  • Paweł Korusand Andrzej Dziech, A Novel Approach to Adaptive Image Authentication, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

  • Paweł Korus, Lucjan Janowski and Piotr Romaniak, Automatic Quality Control of Digital Image Content Reconstruction Schemes, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, 2011

  • Paweł Korus, Jarosław Bialas, Piotr Olech and Andrzej Dziech, A High-Capacity Annotation Watermarking Scheme, Multimedia Communications, Services and Security : Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 149, 2011

  • Paweł Korus, Wojciech Szmuc and Andrzej Dziech, A Scheme for Censorship of Sensitive Image Content with High-Quality Reconstruction Ability, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, 2010

  • Andrzej Głowacz andPaweł Korus, Composite Pattern Detection with Hybrid Result Fusion, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services & Security, 2010

  • Luca Valcarenghi,Paweł Korus, Francesco Paolluci, Filippo Cugini, Mirosław Kantor, Krzysztof Wajda and Piero Castoldi, Experimental Evaluation of PCE-Based Batch Provisioning of Grid Service Interconnections, In Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM, 2009

  • Paweł Korus, Francesco Paolluci, Luca Valcarenghi, Filippo Cugini and Piero Castoldi, Experimental Evaluation of Batch versus Per-Request Service Interconnection Activation in PCE-based Grid Networking, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, HPSR, 2009

Selected Awards

  • Finalist in a competition for the best Polish Ph.D. dissertation in the field of Radiocommunications and Multimedia Technologies, 2014

  • Gold medal at the Concours Lépine Innovation Exhibition in Paris, France, 2014

  • Gold medal at the Innova World Innovation Exhibition in Brussels, Belgium, 2013

  • Silver medal at Europoltech – European Exhibition of Police and Military Technologies, Warsaw, 2013

  • Lesser Poland Voivodeship Graduate Fellowship, 2009