


作者: 发布时间: 2024-03-21 浏览次数:


刘正辉(Dr.Zhenghui Liu)

  • 教育背景:

学士:2005.6 洛阳师范学院-数学与应用数学专业

硕士:2010.6 信阳师范学院-数学与应用数学专业

博士:2014.6 西南交通大学-信息安全专业



  • Zhenghui Liu, Hongxia Wang. A Novel Speech Content Authentication Algorithm Based on Bessel-Fourier Moments. Digital Signal Processing, 2014, 24: 197-208.(SCI)

  • Zhenghui Liu, Hongxia Wang. Pseudo-Zernike Moments-Based Audio Content Authentication Algorithm Robust Against Feature-Analysed Substitution Attack. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014, 70(3): 2271-2291. (SCI)

  • Zhenghui Liu, Fan Zhang, Jing Wang, Hongxia Wang. Authentication and recovery algorithm for speech signal based on digital watermarking, Signal processing, doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2015.10.023.(SCI)

  • Zhenghui Liu, Hongxia Wang. A Speech Content Authentication Algorithm Based on Pseudo-Zernike Moments in DCT Domain. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 2013, 5 (3), 15-34. (EI)

  • Zhenghui Liu, Hongxia Wang. An Efficient Speech Content Authentication Algorithm Based on Coefficients Self-Correlation Degree. 11th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, 7809: 311-326.(EI)


  • 王宏霞,刘正辉,“一种基于伪Zernike矩的语音内容认证方法”. 中国发明专利号:ZL 2012 1 0278724.3.

  • 王宏霞,刘正辉,“一种可恢复的密文域语音内容认证方法”. 中国发明专利号:201310335479.X.