


作者: 发布时间: 2024-03-21 浏览次数:

袁圆 Dr. Yuan Yuan

副研究员 ,工学博士


Email: yuanyuan@szu.edu.cn





Yuan Yuan received the B.Eng. degree from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Alberta, Canada, in 2017. She also conducted her research in National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan (2013–2016). She is now working with Dr. Jiwu Huang as a research associate professor. Her research interests include 3D multimedia, image / video processing and computer vision.

研究兴趣(Research Interests)

  • 3D 多媒体, 图像/视频处理,机器视觉,深度学习等;

  • 3D Multimedia, Image / Video Processing, Computer Vision, Deep Learning,etc. .


期刊论文Journal Papers

  • Yuan, G. Cheung, P. Frossard, H.V. Zhao, “Designing Landmark for Interactive Light Field Streaming”,submitted to IEEE Transaction on Multimedia.

  • Yuan,G. Cheung, P. Le Callet, P. Frossard, H. V. Zhao, “Object Shape Approximation & Contour Adaptive Depth Image Coding for Virtual View Synthesis”,IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2017

会议论文Conference Papers

  • Yuan,S. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Dong, L. Lin, “Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution using Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks”.IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, 2018.

  • Yuan,G. Cheung, P. Frossard, “Optimizing Landmark Insertions for Interactive Light Field Streaming”,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, 2017

  • Yuan,G. Cheung, P. Frossard, P. Le Callet, H. V. Zhao, “Contour Approximation and Depth Image Coding for Virtual View Synthesis”,IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Xiamen, 2015.

  • Yuan,B. Hu, G. Cheung, H. V. Zhao, “Optimizing Peer Grouping for Live Free Viewpoint Video Streaming”,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Australia, 2013.

  • Wang, R. Zhang,Y. Yuan,D. Yin, “An Auto-adaptive Multi-level Threshold Segmentation Method of Ships Detection in Remote Sensing Image with Complex Sea Surface Background”,IEEE International Workshop on Multi-Platform/Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and Mapping (M2RSM), China, 2011.